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How to get a quote in 3 minutes or less.

We have made this as easy as possible for you. For an instant quote, simply add the following details to start saving money on your car insurance.

  • A few facts about your car

    The car’s make and model. Or the registration number, if you have it to hand. We’ll also need the car’s age and details of any modifications.

  • How you plan to use the car

    Tell us about your annual mileage and whether it’s personal, commuting or business use. Select where the car is kept during the day and night.

  • Some brief details about you

    Here you can add your name, age, address, and job status. You can also share details of the type of driving licence you hold and for how long.

  • Your driving history discount

    Disclose details of any accidents, claims, or losses in the past 5 years. Tell us about your no-claims discount and if you want to protect this.

Why use cheap car insurance?

We find ourselves in a unique position at cheap car insurance HQ. Not only are we dedicated and passionate about saving YOU money, but we are also:

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  • A 100% independent, family-owned and proudly British comparison site
  • 5 million+ happy customers and 1,000s of positive reviews since 2010
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  • Down-to-earth, regular people, going above and beyond to make you happy
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  • And direct access to some of the best-known car insurance companies
  • Comparing 100+ insurance products to save you up to £657 per year
  • Donating a % of all profits to our incredible animal welfare charities

Your cheap car insurance options.

Car insurance covers the cost of repairing your vehicle if it’s involved in an accident, fire, theft, or other unexpected events. Legally, you must hold valid insurance to operate a car unless you declare it as off-road with the DVLA. Being caught driving without car insurance can result in a minimum £300 fine and six points on your licence. Court cases may also lead to unlimited fines and potential disqualification from driving.

There are three types of car insurance available:

Fully Comprehensive Insurance

Fully comprehensive

A comprehensive car insurance policy provides the highest protection against potential losses. This typically includes third-party liability as well as accidental damage, personal injury and medical expenses.

Average saving: £471 per year[1]

Read more about fully comprehensive car insurance

Third Party Fire And Theft Insurance

Third party, fire and theft

Provides peace of mind if your car is stolen or damaged by fire. It also covers third-party costs where you are at fault in an accident. Unlike fully comp, this policy will not pay out for similar repairs to your own car.

Average saving: £278 per year[2]

Read more about third-party, fire and theft car insurance

Third Party Insurance

Third party only

The lowest level of car insurance required for lawful driving in the UK. Covers damages and injuries to other people (and their cars) caused by an accident where you are at fault. There is no coverage for you or your car.

Average saving: £139 per year[3]

Read more about third party car insurance

37% of customers using the cheap car insurance website were quoted £470.89[1] less for fully comprehensive, £278.25[2] less for third-party fire and theft, and £139.50[3] less for third-party car insurance.

Car insurance quotes: January 2024.

Top 10 customer questions

What type of car insurance cover do I need?

Choosing the right car insurance coverage is crucial. But how do you decide?

Let’s break it down.


This is the highest level of protection and includes third-party, fire and theft, as well as insurance for your vehicle in case of an accident, regardless of fault.

Third Party, Fire and Theft (TPFT):

This policy includes third-party cover plus protection against fire and theft. It does not, however, cover damages to your vehicle in an accident where you’re at fault.

Third Party:

This is the minimum level of insurance legally required to drive in the UK. It covers damages and injuries to other people and their property if you’re at fault in an accident. As with TPFT, it doesn’t cover damages to your vehicle.

Which one should you choose?

Consider your budget, vehicle value, and the level of protection required. Comprehensive cover is recommended for newer or more valuable cars, while TPFT or third-party cover might suffice for older or less valuable vehicles.

How can I get the cheapest car insurance quote possible?

Everyone wants to save money on their car insurance. Here are some tips to help you find the best deal:

Shop around:

Compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the most competitive price.

Choose the right level of cover:

Consider if comprehensive cover is necessary, or if TPFT or third-party cover is sufficient.

Increase your voluntary excess:

A higher excess can reduce your premium, but be prepared to pay more in case of a claim.

Drive safely:

Maintain a clean driving record, as claims and convictions can increase your premium.

Build a no-claims bonus:

Insurers offer discounts for claim-free years.

Opt for a black box policy:

Telematics devices monitor your driving, and safer drivers can receive lower premiums.

Limit modifications:

Aftermarket modifications can increase insurance costs.

Secure your vehicle:

Install an immobiliser or alarm to deter theft, potentially lowering your premium.

Pay annually:

Paying your premium in one lump sum can be cheaper than monthly instalments.

What factors affect the cost of my car insurance premium?

Several factors can impact your car insurance premium. These include:


Younger and older drivers are considered higher risk, leading to higher premiums.


The make, model, and age of your car affect its value, repair costs, and the likelihood of theft, impacting your premium.


Living in an area with higher crime rates or a higher density of traffic can increase your premium.


The more you drive, the higher your risk of being involved in an accident, potentially raising your premium.

Driving history:

A history of claims, accidents, or convictions can result in higher premiums.


Some professions are considered higher risk and may face higher premiums.

Voluntary excess:

Choosing a higher voluntary excess can lower your premium, but you’ll pay more in the event of a claim.

Security features:

Installing approved security devices can lead to lower premiums.

Optional extras:

Adding extras like breakdown cover, legal protection, or a courtesy car can increase your premium.

Understanding these factors can help you find ways to reduce your car insurance premium.

Can I add named drivers to my policy and does this cost more?

Adding named drivers to your policy is an option, but what’s the impact? Here’s what you need to know:


Sharing a car with other responsible drivers can help spread the driving duties, potentially reducing the risk of accidents.

Impact on cost:

Adding experienced drivers with a clean driving record may lower your premium. However, adding inexperienced or high-risk drivers can increase your premium.

Temporary additions:

Some insurers allow you to add drivers temporarily, which can be useful for occasional car sharing or when a friend borrows your vehicle.

Remember, the named drivers must use the car only occasionally, and the main driver should be the person who uses the vehicle most frequently. Misrepresenting this information can be considered “fronting,” which is a form of insurance fraud.

What is a no-claims bonus and how does it affect my premium?

A no-claims bonus (NCB) is a discount offered by insurers for each year you don’t make a claim on your car insurance policy. It’s a reward for safe driving and can significantly reduce your premium over time.


NCBs accumulate annually, with higher discounts for more claim-free years (up to a certain limit).


Some insurers offer “no-claims bonus protection,” which allows you to make a limited number of claims without affecting your NCB.


If you switch insurers, you can usually transfer your NCB to your new policy.

Keep in mind that if you make a claim, your NCB may be affected, and your premium could increase.

What optional extras are available and are they worth the cost?

Optional extras can enhance your car insurance policy, but are they worth it? Let’s explore:

Breakdown cover:

Provides roadside assistance and recovery if your vehicle breaks down. Consider your vehicle’s age, reliability, and the distance you travel before adding this extra.

Legal protection:

Covers legal expenses related to a car accident, such as pursuing compensation or defending against claims. Weigh the potential costs of legal proceedings against the extra premium.

Courtesy car:

Offers a temporary replacement vehicle while yours is being repaired. If you rely heavily on your car, this extra can be valuable.

When considering optional extras, assess your individual needs, budget, and the likelihood of needing these services. It’s essential to strike a balance between cost and peace of mind.

How do I make a claim if my car in damaged in an accident?

If you’re involved in an accident, follow these steps to make a claim:

Gather information:

Collect the other driver’s contact and insurance details, take photos of the scene, and get witness statements if possible.

Report the incident:

Notify your insurer as soon as possible, providing all relevant information.

Submit documentation:

Provide any necessary documents, such as police reports, repair estimates, or medical records.

Await assessment:

The insurer will review your claim and determine if it’s covered under your policy and the amount of compensation.

Pay excess:

You may need to pay your policy’s excess before receiving any payout.

Complete repairs:

The insurer will either arrange for repairs or provide you with the funds to cover the costs.

Cooperate with your insurer throughout the process, and keep records of all correspondence and expenses related to the claim.

What are voluntary and compulsory excess and how to they work?

An excess is the amount you agree to pay towards a claim before your insurer covers the remaining costs.

There are two types of excess: voluntary and compulsory.

Voluntary excess:

This is an amount you choose to pay in addition to any compulsory excess. Opting for a higher voluntary excess can reduce your premium, as it signals to the insurer that you are willing to share more of the risk. However, ensure that you can afford the total excess in case of a claim.

Compulsory excess:

This is the minimum amount set by the insurer that you must pay towards a claim. The amount varies depending on factors such as your age, driving experience, and the type of vehicle you drive.

When selecting a policy, carefully consider both the voluntary and compulsory excess amounts to ensure they suit your financial situation and risk tolerance.

Can I pay for my car insurance premiums in monthly instalments?

Most insurers offer the option to pay your car insurance premium in monthly instalments or as an annual lump sum.

But what’s the difference?

Monthly instalments:

This option can help you manage your budget by spreading the cost of insurance over the year. However, it’s essential to know that some insurers may charge interest for this payment method, making it more expensive in the long run.

Annual payment:

Paying your premium upfront can save you money, as many insurers offer discounts for annual payments. It also eliminates the risk of missing a monthly payment and potentially having your policy cancelled.

Consider your financial situation and cash flow when deciding on the payment method that works best for you.

Will prior claims and convictions increase my insurance premiums?

Your driving history plays a significant role in determining your car insurance premium. Here’s how previous claims and convictions can affect your costs:


If you have a history of making claims, insurers may view you as a higher risk, leading to increased premiums. However, maintaining a no-claims bonus can help offset this and reduce your premium.


Traffic convictions, such as speeding or driving under the influence, can significantly impact your premium. Some insurers may even refuse to cover drivers with certain convictions. To reduce the impact of convictions, consider attending a driving course, maintaining a clean record moving forward, and shopping around for an insurer that specializes in high-risk drivers.

Being aware of the impact of your driving history on your premium can motivate you to drive more safely and responsibly, ultimately leading to lower insurance costs.

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This figure represents the estimated amount of money saved by our 5 million+ happy customers over the past 12 years

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Cheap car insurance - 2024 definitive guide

Saving YOU money

If you want to save a FORTUNE on car insurance, you’re going to love this 2024 (updated) guide.

This is the most comprehensive advice you will read about getting cheap car insurance this year.

A simple, step-by-step guide that SAVES YOU MONEY.

And the best part?

Everything in this guide is working GREAT right now.

Let’s dive in.


Have you noticed?

Car insurance, like almost everything else in the UK right now, is expensive.

Really expensive.

Every year you begin in a never-ending game of cat and mouse with your insurance company.

Trying to secure the cheapest car insurance policy possible without compromising on coverage.

We’ve all been there.

But don’t worry.

Things are about to get a LOT easier for you.

And cheaper, too.

But let’s start at the beginning.

Understanding Car Insurance

What is car insurance?

Simply put:

Car insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company.

In exchange for your annual premium, the insurance company agrees to pay for certain car-related expenses – namely accidents and injuries – during the term of the agreement.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Car insurance is essential, not just because it’s a legal requirement in the UK, but also because it protects you from potentially crippling financial losses.

And it’s not just about you, either.

Your insurance also helps to shield other drivers from the financial impact if you’re at fault in an accident.

Here’s how it works:

There are three main types of car insurance in the UK:

    • Fully Comprehensive
    • Third-Party, Fire, and Theft
    • Third-Party Only

We’ll dive into these types in more detail later in the guide.

But for now:

Just know that these options differ in terms of the level of protection they offer and, of course, their cost.

Why the Cost of Car Insurance Varies

Have you ever wondered why insurance costs differ so much between drivers, cars, or locations?

Here’s the deal:

Insurance companies calculate your premium based on risk.

They use complex algorithms to assess how likely you are to make a claim.

In other words.

The higher the risk, the higher your insurance premium.

Various factors influence this risk calculation, and they can broadly be categorised into three groups:

    • Driver-related factors
    • Vehicle-related factors
    • Policy-related factors

Driver-related factors include your age, driving experience, and driving history.

Younger drivers, for instance, are often charged more because they’re statistically more likely to be involved in an accident.

Next up, vehicle-related factors.

These include the make and model of your car, its age, value, engine size, and even its desirability to thieves (!).

Finally, policy-related factors come into play.

These can include the level of coverage you choose (remember those three types we talked about?), the size of your excess, and any optional extras you add to your policy.

So there you have it.

Understanding what factors influence the cost of your premium is the first step towards finding cheap car insurance.

And that’s exactly what we’ll be helping you with in 2024.

Stick around for more.

I promise it will be worth it.

Cheap Car Insurance: Myth or Reality?

Do you want to know a secret?

There is such a thing as cheap car insurance.

In fact, most of our customers would argue that we’re in the game of finding very cheap car insurance in 2024.

But remember:

It’s not just about the price.

The trick is finding a policy that offers you the cover you need, at a price you can afford.

That’s the sweet spot.

So, how do you find this mythical cheap car insurance with so much jargon, complex policies, and seemingly endless options?

Well, that’s where we come in.

Where in the UK is Car Insurance Cheapest?

Did you know?

Car insurance rates vary considerably from one part of the UK to another.

It’s sad but true.

Areas with higher crime rates or more traffic usually have higher insurance premiums.


Because the likelihood of theft or accidents is higher in these areas.

That makes sense, right?

So, where in the UK is car insurance cheapest?

Well, according to recent data, the South West of England tends to have the lowest car insurance premiums.

London, on the other hand, often has the highest.

But don’t pack your bags just yet.

While moving to a new area might lower your insurance rates, it’s not the most practical solution for everyone.

Plus, there are other (more convenient and quicker) ways to reduce your insurance costs.

Keep reading to find out how.

Which Insurance Group is Cheapest in the UK?

Guess what?

Every car in the UK is assigned to an insurance group.

There are a staggering 50 of these groups, and each one represents a different level of risk (and therefore, cost).

In my experience:

Cars in lower groups are typically cheaper to insure than those in higher groups.

So, if you’re looking for cheap car insurance, it goes without saying that you should consider buying a car in a lower insurance group.

This is particularly relevant for young drivers.

This leads us neatly to our special section on that very subject.

Cheap Car Insurance for Young Drivers

You’re young, just passed your driving test, and eager to hit the road.

We’ve all been there.

So what’s holding you back?

Sky-high car insurance premiums, of course.


Because young and inexperienced drivers are seen as high-risk by insurance companies.

This often results in astronomically high car insurance.

Particularly if other factors (location, insurance group etc) are working against you.

But all is not lost.

In fact, can I let you in on a secret?

Young drivers can get cheap car insurance, too.

Better still.

There are always opportunities to lower your car insurance premiums.

You just need to know where to look.

How to get cheap insurance for a 20-year-old?

Consider telematics insurance.

This is also known as black box insurance.

Why is it great for young and first-time drivers?

Well, this type of policy monitors your driving behaviour.

And if you can prove – via the telematics device – that you’re a safe driver, you could shave hundreds off your car insurance premiums.

Pretty cool, huh?

But it doesn’t stop there.

Taking additional driving courses like the Pass Plus can also save you a fortune.

If you’re between 17 and 23, a certified advanced driver qualification can cut your premiums in half.

Yes, you read that right.

And while we’re on the subject:

How much is car insurance for a 23-year-old in the UK?

In short:

There is no straightforward answer to this question.

Car insurance, as mentioned previously, varies widely depending on several factors like your car, your location, and your driving history.

That being said:

In our experience,  a 23-year-old driver in the UK could expect to pay, on average, around £800 to £1,000 for their annual car insurance.

Can I be totally honest with you though?

Most 17 to 23-year-olds don’t follow the advice in this guide and end up paying considerably more than they have to.

It’s sad but true.

What insurance cover is best for first-time drivers?

This is one of the most common questions we’re asked.

And the answer may surprise you.

Because while third-party insurance is the minimum required by law, it might not always be the cheapest or the best option.

How so?

Well, comprehensive insurance, although it sounds more expensive, can often work out cheaper and provides a greater level of protection.

It’s the financial equivalent and having your cake and eating it.


Being savvy with your car insurance it’s about finding the right balance between cost and coverage.

We’ll talk about this more in the coming sections.

But in the meantime, you might still be asking yourself:

Why insurance is so high for young drivers in the UK?

To hammer the point home:

The main reason is risk.

Insurers use a range of factors to assess how likely a driver is to make a claim, and unfortunately, statistics show that younger drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents.

Accidents (and claims) are expensive.

Nobody wants to foot the bill for a damaged car, especially not insurance companies.

This is why they use a tried and tested method for assessing risk and mitigating their potential losses through higher premiums.

But it’s not all bad news for young drivers.

Especially if you have been able to build up a no-claims discount.

And we’re not through yet:

There are still plenty of ways to reduce the cost of your car insurance premium.

In fact, as it turns out:

A slight increase in the voluntary excess on your policy can yield significant savings.

A word of warning, though.

You will need to pay the higher excess amount, plus other potential costs, if you need to make a claim.

Why is insurance cheaper with two drivers?

Now, this is an interesting one.

In our experience, adding an experienced driver with a clean driving record can reduce the perceived risk for insurers.


Less perceived risk = potentially lower premiums.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking.

Why wouldn’t every young person add an additional driver to their policy?

And you wouldn’t be alone in thinking this.

But be careful:

The main driver must be the person who drives the car the most.

Anything else is considered ‘fronting’.

And that, friend, is illegal.

At what age does car insurance go down in the UK?

Can I be totally honest with you?

In terms of saving money on your car insurance, one of the biggest factors is your age.

And sadly, this is not something you can control.

That being said, car insurance rates will generally start to decrease when you turn 25.

Why is that?

Well, according to the clever folks at the insurance companies, drivers are less likely to be involved in accidents as they get older and gain more experience.

This makes perfect sense, right?

And what have we learnt from the way insurers operate?

At the risk of repeating myself:

Less risk, on the whole, equates to lower premiums.

But don’t take my word for it:

If continue driving safely and maintain a clean record, you will almost certainly see a considerable drop-off as you near the ripe old age of 25.

How much is insurance for a learner driver in the UK?


If you’re one of the 750,000+ learner drivers in the UK, you’re going to want to pay attention to this section.

In short:

If you have read this far into the guide, you already know that several factors can influence the price you pay for car insurance.

Specifically, these include:

    • The car you drive
    • Where you live
    • How often you drive
    • How well you drive (telematics)
    • Your age and driving history

For learner drivers, the rules are a little different.


Because by virtue of the fact that you haven’t passed your test yet, you’re never (legally) going to drive solo.

Solo driving – for young people – is what drives up the cost of car insurance.

Of course:

You don’t need to worry about insurance if you’re paying a licenced instructor to teach you in their vehicle.

Better still:

If you’re learning to drive in a friend’s or parent’s car, the only option is to be added as a named driver on their policy.

And this, you will be pleased to hear, is not going to break the bank.


Just be prepared to return back to this article once you start searching for a policy in your own name.

That’s generally when the excitement of passing your test is replaced with the shock of how much it’s going to cost to insure you, as a newly-qualified driver.


So there you have it.

To sum up:

The cheapest car insurance isn’t always the best.

Trust me.

I have learnt this the hard way after more than 20 years of studying car insurance in the UK.

Bottom line?

Whether you’re a young driver, a new driver, or just looking to save on your existing policy, there are always opportunities to find cheap car insurance.

Of course:

Shopping around and comparing policies is the key.

And don’t be seduced by the prospect of a fluffy toy, cinema vouchers or other freebies.

These incentives, in my opinion, are lame and cost you considerably more in insurance premiums in the long term.

Now it’s over to you.

The perfect policy might be just a click away.

And remember:

We’re available 24/7 to assist you, right here in sunny England, whenever you need us.